ACT Rifle Licence (A/B Class) Checklist
Attend an MFC introductory rifle shoot - booking is essential by emailing
Join SSAA, if not already a member. You must remain a member of the SSAA to be in MFC.
Email to request a membership form, and price for membership. Please include the following in your email:
Specify when you did your introductory shoot
Specify SSAA membership status
Advise if you already have a range pass for the SSAA Majura Range complex
Fill out and return MFC membership form
Pay MFC membership (and range pass if not already held).
Complete the long arms safety course with SSAA ACT, details are at Safety Course.
Fill out your licence application and get it endorsed. Note that Range Officers at General Members sessions can endorse a licence application as long as you have your SSAA membership details with you - General Members are usually 9-4 weekdays and 9-12 Sundays. Otherwise, arrange with the MFC Discipline Coordinator to get the application endorsed at an MFC programmed shoot.
Read the Guidance from the Registry to avoid making a rookie error with your application.
Take your A/B safety course certificate, club endorsed licence application and receipt of firearms payment (payment should be made for “adult licence application”) from Access Canberra to the ACT Firearms Registry for submission.
- ​Your licence will be ready in 28 days.