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Club Endorsement of NSW Licences and PTAs

If you live in NSW and wish to use MFC as your genuine reason for a firearms licence application or renewal, or for a Permit To Acquire (PTA), you need to follow the process below.  


  • Raise the appropriate online form. When asked to supply Club contact details use

  • The SSAA ACT Club approval number is 408 906 252 for Pistol licences and 407 870 921 for rifle. 

  • Forward the confirmation email that you receive back from the NSW Registry (i.e. the one with your application number) to and add the following information:  

    • a photograph or scan of your SSAA membership card. Ensure that it is current.

    • the date of your latest NSW Police safe storage inspection and the associated COPS Event Number;

    • the make, model and calibre of the firearm you are acquiring (PTAs only)  as well as the CSD Class that you intend to shoot it in. I need to certify that it is for Combined Services matches, so the class is important. If you have any doubt about the suitability of a pistol for a class, please contact me. If you have multiple PTAs in, please tell me which firearm is associated with each PTA.

  • I may also ask for a copy of your MFC membership card or a printout from the electronic sign in system to verify your attendances - don't be offended if I ask, I can't track how often almost 300 people shoot!

  • I'll email the NSW Registry with the club endorsement and let you know when it's done.

  • Please note that we are all volunteers, so we might not get to your club endorsement immediately - we'll try our best to get it done within a day or two though.

  • When you receive your licence/ PTA, please let me know so that I can stop chasing it.

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