Proficiency Awards
To recognise and encourage improving performance in the pistol and rifle core events, the Combined Services National Awards Secretary issues Bronze Silver and Gold Proficiency Awards. The process to get these awards is as follows:
Step 1. Shoot a qualifying score in Match 1 (Core Event) for Rifle or Pistol in a MFC competition - Sunday matches qualify. Note that you can only claim matches shot using a SSAA Combined Services Discipline approved Standard Rifle, or Class 1 or Class 2 Pistol (see the SSAA CSD web site Combined Services - Sporting Shooters' Association of Australia (SSAA) under "Downloads" for the lists). Please note that you must claim awards in order (Bronze, Silver then Gold), so even if you shoot a perfect score first time you'll need to claim Bronze if you have no prior Awards. The scores you need are as follows:
Bronze Award – a score between 127 and 134;
Silver Award – a score between 135 and 141;
Gold Award – a score of 142 or above;
Junior Award – must be under the age of 18 years, and shoot a score of 110 or above.​
Bronze Award – a score between 300 and 319;
Silver Award – a score between 320 and 339;
Gold Award – a score of 340 or above;
Junior Award – must be under the age of 18 years, and shoot a score of 250 or above.
​​Step 2. Fill out a proficiency claim form - make sure you fill out all fields including your SSAA membership expiry date. The "Claimant's Branch Name" is the SSAA Branch on your membership card - normally "A01 Canberra" for ACT members. The "Range award shot at" is "Majura" for MFC club shoots. Don't forget to detail what ammunition you used - if it was factory state the maker and bullet weight, if a handload you will need to specify the load (for Projectile Energy Level checks).
If possible, get the Range Officer who ran the shoot to sign the form. I can manage that for you if you don't remember the RO, or if you can't get out to the range for a while. Our Proficiency Officer will sign the Club Secretary spot. Download a copy of the forms below:
Rifle Claim Form Pistol Claim Form
Step 3. Email the completed form to - we'll check it and send it to the National Awards Secretary. We have your scores if you shot at an MFC event, but if you shot the score somewhere else please provide us a copy of the score sheet.
Step 4. Kick back and relax. Once we get the awards from the National Secretary they'll be presented to you at an appropriate club shoot.